Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) Pune has notified the schedule for admissions to the MBBS course commencing on 1st August 2013. 130 candidates (including maximum of 25 girls) will be selected for admission in 2013 on the basis of NEET (UG)-2013.
Candidates desirous for admission into AFMC Pune will have to register and apply online on the website or at as per the schedule announed.
Applicant should be citizen of India. The candidate may be a subject of Nepal or Bhutan or a person of Indian origin migrated from Pakistan or any other foreign country with the intention of permanently settling in India. Foreign nationals of Indian origin may be admitted into AFMC only after they have acquired Indian citizenship or in respect of whom a certificate of eligibility is issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Applicant must be unmarried. Marrying during the course is not permitted. Applicant should be medically fit as per prescribed standards by the Govt of India, Ministry of Defence (given as Appendix ‘A’ of Information Brochure that can be downloaded from /).
There will be two categories for age criteria depending on academic qualifications. If the application is based on 10+2 or equivalent qualifying examination, applicant should attain the age of 17 years on 31 December 2013 but must not have attained the age of 22 years on that date. So applicant must have been born not earlier than 01 January 1992 and not later than 31 December 1996. If the application is based on B Sc Degree, applicant who have passed B.Sc. examination or appearing in Final B.Sc. examination must not have attained the age of 24 years or  must have been born not earlier than 01 January 1990.
Academic Qualifications: Applicant must have passed one of the qualifying examinations listed under item 11 of the Information brochure in the first attempt with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken simultaneously and securing not less than 60% of the aggregate marks in these three science subjects taken together and not less than 50% marks in English and 50% marks in each of the science subjects. They must have also passed an examination in Mathematics of the tenth standard.
The criteria for marks in Qualifying Examination (10 + 2 or equivalent exam) remain the same for the B.Sc. candidates also. Candidates who have appeared or will be appearing in qualifying examination upto 01 May 2013 may also apply. Admission, if selected, however, will be subject to passing and meeting the eligibility criteria as prescribed.
Those who have passed in Domestic Science, Domestic Arithmetic, Lower Maths separately or in combination with other subjects like General Science/Social studies in High School/ Higher Secondary (Multipurpose) or equivalent examination, those who have passed only Pre-University/Pre-Degree (one year course) or Pre-Professional in Agriculture/ Veterinary/ Dental Examination and those who have passed the Pre-professional or equivalent qualifying examination as a Private candidate or from Open schools, those who have secured the requisite percentage but in subsequent attempts or compartment examination etc; are not eligible.
Seats : There are 130 seats (105 boys & 25 girls) for admissions for 2013. Ten seats out of 130 are reserved for candidates belonging to the scheduled castes/scheduled tribes subject to the provisions in the Prospectus.In addition to the above 130 seats, Govt of India at its discretion through Ministry of External Affairs & Ministry of Defence may sponsor and select foreign students from friendly foreign countries for MBBS training in AFMC, under their aid/ collaboration programmes.
Qualifying Entrance for Admission: The Qualifying examination for admission to AFMC Pune will be NEET-UG examination to be conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Appearance in NEET 2013 is mandatory for those seeking admission for MBBS at AFMC. They should have ticked on the option for AFMC while applying for NEET. However, in case a candidate had failed to tick on the option for AFMC, he / she may still apply online if eligible as per the conditions mentioned in the prospectus. The NEET-UG roll number is essential for being recognized for admission to AFMC Pune and shall be required at all stages of admission process.
Admission Procedure: Those appearing for NEET-UG seeking admission to AFME, have to register and apply online to AFMC Pune at or with the NEET roll number. On the declaration of the results, AFMC Pune will draw merit from amongst the candidates who have applied to AFMC Pune and also appeared for the NEET-UG examination.The qualifying marks would be 50th percentile as notified in the Gazette of India.
Candidates who have secured lesser marks / lower than 50th percentile will not be considered for admission to AFMC Pune. The online registration numbers of the candidates who qualify / are shortlisted for interview will be displayed on website and also be published in newspapers. Candidates who are shortlisted for interview will be intimated on their registered E- mail and will also find the call letters for the interview once they log into their account.
ToELR cum Interview for selection : The shortlisted candidates will be called for Test of English Language, Comprehension, Logic and Reasoning (ToELR) cum Interview to be held in June at AFMC, Pune.ToELR, will be a Computer Based Test of 30 minutes duration and consisting of 40 Multiple Choice Questions, each carrying 2 marks with maximum of 80 marks. There will be negative marks of 0.5 for every incorrect answer. The marks obtained in ToELR will be added to NEET-UG score (maximum marks for NEET is 720) to get a score out of 800. This will be divided by 4 to get the written examination score out of 200. The interview will carry 50 marks. Based on the total marks in written examination and Interview, the final score will be computed.

The exact date and time of the interview at AFMC Pune will be intimated to shortlisted candidates and will also be candidates and will also be intimated by e-mail. Request for change of date of interview will not be entertained except under extreme circumstances.
Candidates will be required to produce originals of all certificates/marks sheets and NEET-UG Admit card (hall ticket) and NEET score card at the time of interview at AFMC. All candidates have to produce result or proof of having appeared in the qualifying examination held before 30 April, 2013 at the time of interview (if the result of such examination has not been declared). Original mark sheet & pass certificate of qualifying examination, however will have to be produced prior to admission. On the basis of the Final score (NEET-UG score, ToELR score and interview marks) two merit lists, one for boys and one for girls, will be drawn up and admissions will be offered only to candidates in these merit lists in accordance with their final merit position.
Individual call letters of admission will be sent by post only to selected candidates who would be required to join AFMC. The remaining candidates will be on the waiting list. The result will be published by the O/o DGAFMS in leading national newspapers and displayed on web sites stated above, O/o DGAFMS and Admission cell of AFMC Pune. These candidates who have been selected will also be intimated about their status in their login id/ by email/ by call letters which will be sent to their registered postal address.
If a candidate does not receive a letter calling him/her up for examination/interview or having taken the examination/interview, for joining the College, he/she can check up his/her position in the merit list from the list displayed in the office of the DGAFMS and the Admission cell of AFMC Pune.
SC/ST Candidates: Ten seats out of 130 are reserved for SC/ST candidates. Their admission is subject to certain conditions that (i) SC/ST candidate has applied to AFMC Pune and also qualified inthe NEET-UG written examination, coming within the zone to be called upfor interview (ii) They come within the first 500 in thefinal combined merit list of boys and girlsas per the Final score obtainedIf shortlisted and called for interview (iii) They fulfil all other conditions/standards in so far as age, academicqualification, medical fitness, and so on is concerned as applicable to non-SC/ST candidates.
These reserved seats will be in addition to seats secured by SC/ST candidates on the basis of their position in the merit lists. In case of any SC/ST girl/boy, admitted against reserved vacancies the number of girls/boys to be admitted against the general seats will be reduced correspondingly. All such candidates will have to sign a surety bond on the same lines and on the same conditions as general candidates.
Online Registration and Application : Those interested in admissions will have to apply online as per the instructions, latest by 12th May, 2013. There are 3 parts for the online registration and submission of Application.
Part 1 consists of Registration / Account Generation and Login, Part 2 is the filling of qualification details and Part 3 involves filling of personal details. Instructions on these are available in the Prospectus and in the site.
Applicants will have to keep ready, the recent colour digital passport size photograph and scanned copy of his/her signature before attempting to fill up the application form. Prospective candidates must have a mandatory, valid e-mail id. Recent colour digital passport size photograph should be in .jpg / .jpeg format only. The photograph must indicate clearly, the name of the candidate alongwith the date of taking the photograph. It should be without cap or goggles. Spectacles are allowed. Polaroid and computer generated photographs are not acceptable. Photograph of the candidate should not be attested. Applicants must keep 8-10 identical photographs ready in reserve for use during Interview / Admission. Scanned copy of applicant’s signature should be in .jpg / .jpeg format only. Candidates should ensure that they have uploaded the correct signature only. Any request for a change of the signature that has been submitted once will not be accepted.
Applicants should ensure correctness of completed form before submission. Once submitted, the entries in the form cannot be edited any further. Every online registration will generate a registration number. This number is vital as this number is to be quoted in case of all future correspondence. Candidates must remember their registration number. The same may please be noted for future correspondence/reference.
Payment of Fee : Applicant will be able to download the challan for payment of application fee only after the form is submitted. The challan form containing the ‘Bankcopy’ and the ‘student copy’ has to be printed. The downloaded challan form will have the name and unique registration number mentioned on it along with the date of birth and mobile number of the applicant. Sample challan form is given as ‘Appendix B’ of the Prospectus. The forms of candidates who have not made the mandatory payment shall not be considered after the last date.
A pdf copy of the completed form shall also be generated which shall always be available for downloading and printing in your login account.
Payment : Applicant should visit the nearest branch of State Bank of India on the next day after registration for making the payment. (If registration at website is done on 20th April 2013, applicant should visit the bank on 21st April 2013, to make the payment of Rs.280/- (Application + Bank charges). On remittance of the fee, a journal number will be generated by the bank and this will be written/ stamped on both copies of the bank challan. The bank shall retain the bank copy while candidate shall be given the student copy. Ensure that the journal number is written on the student copy along with the seal of the bank. A copy of this may be retained by the candidate as this will be the proof for having paid the application charges and bank fees).
The last date for online application is 12th May and the last date for depositing the challan at any SBI bank branch will be 14 May 2013. The status of the application will be available online once applicant has submitted the application. The status will be communicated to the applicant within 15 days of the last date for submission of the application forms. Candidates may keep a printed copy of their completed application form for their record and future reference.
All the medical cadets admitted to AFMC for MBBS Course have service liability to serve in the Armed Forces Medical Services after completing the course. The Armed Forces have prescribed medical standards and fitness criteria for deciding medical fitness of candidate for grant of commission. All candidates will be examined as per standards applicable for commission in the Armed Forces. Admission to AFMC will be subject to final decision of Supreme Court on NEET. Facilities provided to the Medical cadets, special concessions etc can be seen form the Prospectus
For more details visit

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